How to Generate and Analyze CDR Reports in ViciDial

How to Generate and Analyze CDR Reports in ViciDial

Blog Article

Call Detail Records (CDR) fundamental for any call center looking for screen and optimizing operations. The steps for producing and analyzing CDR reports in VICIdial custom development and clarifying how these reports will improve the contact center's efficiency. Call Detail Records (CDRs) are comprehensive logs that contain nitty gritty data for almost every call made and gotten through VICIdial.


A CDR report regularly incorporates the taking after data


Call Date and Time

The precise date and time of the call.

Caller ID

The phone number of the individual who started the call.

Call Term

The length of the call is in seconds.

Call Result

The result of the call (e.g. replied unanswered, active etc.).

Operator ID

The ID of the specialist who dealt with the call (if pertinent).

Campaign ID

The ID of the campaign related to the call.

List ID

The ID of the list is related to the call.


Creating CDR Reports in ViciDial


Get to the Reports Menu

Log in to your ViciDial admin board and explore the "Reports" segment.

Select "CDR Reports"

Select the "CDR Reports" choice from the accessible report sorts.

Apply Channels (Discretionary)

You'll refine your look by applying channels for date extend caller ID caller ID specialist campaign and list.

Create the Report

Click the "Create Report" button to form the CDR report based on your chosen criteria.

Analyzing CDR Reports

Once you've created a CDR report you'll be able analyze the information to pick up important experiences into your contact center's execution. Here are a few key regions to center on

Call Volume

Track the general number of calls made and gotten over time.

Call Length

Analyze the normal call length and distinguish any patterns or exceptions.

Call Result

Assess the rate of replies to unanswered calls, active signals and other call results.

Specialist Execution

Survey person specialist execution based on measurements like call volume, normal call length and call comes about.

Campaign Adequacy

Degree the adequacy of your campaigns by analyzing call measurements and transformation rates.

Client Fulfillment

Use client criticism information to recognize ranges where you'll move forward client fulfillment.


 Benefits of CDR Investigation in VICIdial


Made strides Operational Effectiveness

Standard CDR examination makes a difference to recognize wasteful aspects in call taking care of permitting directors to address issues proactively.

Upgraded Operator Execution

By analyzing person operator measurements you'll coach and prepare operators to make strides in their execution based on real-time information.

Client Fulfillment

Checking call terms and hold up times guarantees a positive client involvement. Speedy reactions and proficient dealing lead to higher client fulfillment.

Data-Driven Choices

With get to point by point reports directors can make educated choices with respect to staffing campaign methodology and execution benchmarks.

Fetched Optimization

CDR examination makes a difference in distinguishing pointless call streams, squandered time or sitting out of gear operators contributing to diminished operational costs.

Best Practices for CDR Administration

To induce the foremost out of your VICIdial CDR reports consider actualizing these best hones

Plan Customary CDR Surveys

Routinely audit reports especially after modern campaigns or top periods.

Utilize CDR for Preparing

CDRs are important devices for preparing operators. Utilize genuine call information to deliver operators' criticism on regions for enhancement.

Coordinated with Other Apparatuses

VICIdial can coordinate with CRM and analytics apparatuses permitting for more profound bits of knowledge and cross-referencing with other execution pointers.

Screen Call Patterns

Keep an eye on patterns such as crest call times or expanding call lengths which may indicate evolving client needs or specialized issues.



Producing and analyzing the CDR reports in VICIdial could be an effective way for improving the productivity of call center operations. By leveraging the detailed information given reports you will  make educated choices, optimize specialist execution and make strides in general client fulfillment.




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